The Fenris Wolf 12 is published
The Fenris Wolf 12 is now published. Pre-orders will be sent out over the coming weeks (Thanks for your patience!). Order your own copy: Remember to order from the Amazon site closest to you for best postage rates. What’s in this issue? Cover art by Val Denham, material by Derek Seagrief, Kathelin Gray, Val Denham, Matthew Levi Stevens, Julio Mendes Rodrigo, Charlotte Rodgers, Jesse Bransford, Gustaf Broms, Gabriela Herstik, Miguel Marques, Vicki Bennett, Jack Stevenson, Alexander Nym, Dave Lee, Gary Lachman, Tom Banger, Anna Sebastian, Lionel Snell, Aki Cederberg, Freek Wallagh, Thomas Bey William Bailey, Frater UD, Billie Steigerwald,…